Arkisto kategorialle ‘Piirrustus & maalaus’

The newest project has kept me staying up too late watching stuff on Netflix, sanding and painting. About two weeks ago I left my comfort zone, walked into a hardware store and bought wood. That was definitely the most stressful part in all of this, but it was done quickly. My dad was kind enough to cut the wood into blocks, and I got myself a set of acrylic crafting paint in basic colours. After light sanding, working with a sponge / brush / old eyeliner, this is what I came up with:


I finised a set with a total of 66 blocks including grass, wooden plank, diamond ore, coal ore, block of iron, brick, lava, TNT, wooden stairs, bed, chest, block of coal, block of diamond, block of ruby, furnace, crafting table, pumpkin and bookcase.


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The size of each block is about 32mm x 32 mm, slightly smaller than the ”real” blocks you get with the figurines from store, but close enough to include the figurines into play.

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I know you would need tons and tons of these blocks in order to actually build something, so this was more of a fun crafting project for me – but still I was happy to see my four-year old overjoyed, immediately naming each block and building something right away.

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Vaihteeksi jotain muuta

Posted: 23 maaliskuun, 2012 in Piirrustus & maalaus

Akvarellimaalausta hetken mielijohteesta, lintukirjasta löytyi malli silkkiuikusta.




Posted: 12 kesäkuun, 2008 in Piirrustus & maalaus

Jostain syystä fudiksen MM-kisoja katsellessa ajatuksissa loikki vain sammakoita. Oon aina pitänyt sammakoista, ne on hauskoja ja symppiksiä. Pienenä (ja kyllä vieläkin) pidin kovasti Arnold Lobelin Kurnu ja Loikka -kirjoista, ja Elsa Beskow käyttää myös sammakkoja saduissaan, mm. Auringonmunassa. Tällainen akvarelli syntyi täällä meillä… Olipa mukavaa piirtää ja maalata pitkästä aikaa!